Hello everyone. To me, ‘Autumn’ means a lot more than just the season between summer and winter. Besides being my precious granddaughter’s name, it is also the most beautiful and colourful season with lovely, cool weather and leaves turning gorgeous shades of red, yellow and orange. Hope you are all enjoying the lovely autumn weather as much as I am.
The Colborne Legion has quite a lot going on in the next little while.
Our most important day of the year -- Remembrance Day -- will be here before we know it.
The annual poppy campaign begins on Friday, October 30, and continues until November 11th – Remembrance Day. Sign up sheets are at the Branch for canvassing. Comrades, please remember your oath when you joined this great organization – which includes active participation in poppy campaigns. Please drop in to the Branch and sign up or contact the Branch at 905-355-5479 if you can help out.
The Colborne Legion will be having our annual Church Parade on Sunday, November 8, 2009 at Trinity Anglican Church. We will form up at 10:45 for the 11:00 a.m. service. Blues and grays if possible. We will provide a light lunch back at the Branch immediately after the service.
On Wednesday, November 11, Remembrance Day, we will form up at Mac’s Milk parking lot at 10:30 a.m. and march off at 10:45 arriving at the cenotaph in Victoria Park in time for the 11 a.m. services. Blues and grays if you have them please. Members of the 429 Squadron CFB Trenton will be joining the parade which will be led by the 413 Wing Pipes and Drums.
After the ceremony, there will be comradeship in the Club Room during the afternoon with Stoney Stoneman and friends entertaining us, cocktails at 5 p.m. and the Remembrance Day dinner will be at 6 p.m. Veterans are free of charge and all others will pay just $10.00 for the wonderful meal prepared by our Ladies Auxiliary. Comrades, come on out and show the veterans just how important they are to all of us.
And, a reminder of our current fundraiser. We are having a Gift Certificate Draw. Tickets are available at the bar in the Clubroom, and at all of our dinners, and are $2 each or 3 for $5.00. The lucky winner will receive $500.00 worth of certificates from our Shop and Support vendors. There are many well known retailers available through the program including grocery stores, restaurants, retail stores and gas stations. And, you get to pick which vendors you wish to receive this $500.00 from. Wow, what a great opportunity to win some great gift certificates while helping to support the Colborne Legion Branch operations. You can even give them out as Christmas presents to your family and friends. This Certificate draw will be held on November 11th – Remembrance Day.
The Colborne Legion is also having a Banquet Room Ceiling fundraiser. We are raising funds to replace the ceiling tiles and retrofit our lighting to make it more cost efficient. You can ‘buy’ a ceiling tile for $10 each either in your name or in the memory of someone you love. This list is in the Club Room.
Also, comrades, your Legion dues are due!!! Please be an “early bird” and pay before November 30th. You can mail your cheque to the Branch or pay at the bar … your choice … but please hurry because time is running out.
Backing up a little bit, on Friday, November 6, 2009, we will be having our monthly Roast Beef Dinner. This includes mashed potatoes, succulent squash, delicious brussel sprouts, a hot soup, Apple Rum Raisin Pudding for dessert, and tea and coffee. All this for just $10.00 from 5 p.m. until 6:30 p.m.
Our ongoing events, which are open and welcome to everyone, include a Dart League every Thursday evening at 7:30 p.m., Line Dancing every Tuesday morning from 9:30 until 11:30, a 55 Club every Tuesday afternoon starting at 1 p.m., an exercise class every Wednesday afternoon from 1:30 until 2:30, a meat draw every Saturday afternoon starting at 3 p.m. and a pool tournament the 4th Sunday of every month (except July and August) at noon. We now have 2 pool tables available to play on. These events are well attended and new members are always welcome in the friendly Colborne Legion. And, please don’t forget that the first Friday of every month we have a delicious roast beef dinner from 5 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. and the third Friday of every month we have a different and delicious themed dinner for just $10.00, also from 5 p.m. until 6:30 p.m. For more information on these events, please call the Branch at 905-355-5479.
I recently attended the Zone Sports Meeting and the dates for the Zone sports have been set. I will be putting the sign up sheets on the sports board in the Club Room. The first event is Zone Snooker on January 9th, followed by Zone Darts on January 23 and Zone Cribbage on January 30. You must be a member in good standing with your 2010 Legion dues paid to participate in any Zone sport.
I will sign off for now and I will submit another column in the next month or so to keep you up to date on “what’s happening at the Colborne Legion”.
Yours in comradeship,
Faye Wile
Public Relations
The Colborne Legion
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Thursday, 16 October 2008
ENSS Academic Award Winners for 2008-9
Grade 9: Brendan Petersen
Grade 10: Prianka St. John
Grade 11: Shelby LeBlanc
Grade 9: Lauren Grubb, Jerry Lee Degroot
Grade 10: Erin Hendricks, Marie Robertson, Haleigh Top
Grade 11: Sandeep Patel, Shawn Nutley
Katie Mackintosh
Grade 9: Karli Weatherup
Grade 10: Melissa Polmateer
Grade 11: Rachel Rumsam
Grade 9: Laura Donovan
Grade 10: Nicole Lance
Grade 11: Alex Holland
Grade 9: Nicholas Archer, Carly Mattis, Clara Quinn
Grade 10: Dylan Abbott, Amanda Jones, Laura Cleave
Grade 11: Stevie Fox, Rachel Visconti, Theresa Gannon
Grade 9: Natalie Iezzi
Grade 10: Brandon Kober, Prianka St. John
Grade 11: Emily Wheatly, Kelly Kew, Shelby LeBlanc
Grade 9: Matthew Windsor, Nathan Cheesebrough, Sean DeLong
Grade 10: Brittany Hanthorn
Grade 11: Sophia Whang
Grade 9:
(Francais) Julienne Hoekstra
(Geographie) Ryan Carey, Julienne Hoekstra
Grade 10:
(Francais and Histoire) Prianka St. John
Grade 11:
(Francais and Sociologie) Chelsey Labrecque
Grade 10: Olivia Missios
Grade 9: Kyle Kennedy, Carlye Hanthorn, Ryan Carey
Grade 10: Dylan Abbott, Patricia Corkery, Allan Tripp, Albert Fledderus
Grade 11: Jemini Barager, Caitlynd Doyle, Laura Mueller, Erin McKee
(Fryer and Galois Participation Certificates)
Ryan Carey, Albert Fledderus, Wei Wei Van (Grade 10 Cayley Math Contest)
Albert Fledderus (medal and Certificate of Distinction) Wei Wei Van (Certificate of Distinction) Emily O'Brien (Certificate of Distinction)
Grade 9:
(Instrumental) Lauren Grubb
(Vocal) Hannah Moher, Meriya Gmeiner-McPherson
Grade 10:
(Guitar) David Snider
(Instrumental) Dan Cleveland
(Vocal) Jenny Chung
Grade 11:
(Guitar) Curtis Sansom
(Vocal) Jessica Milligan
(Instrumental) Michelle Breeze
(MIDI) Branden Nieves
Grade 9 Boys) Jesse Labrecque, (Girls) Laura Donovan
Grade 10 (Boys)Wei Wei Van, (Girls) Hannah Gillespie
Grade 11 (Boys) Matthew Czulo, Zachary Carswell, (Girls) Emma Lafontaine
(Fitness) Jocelyn Pitcher
Grade 9: Nicholas-Archer, Liam David, Laura Donovan
Grade 10: Dylan Abbott, Brittany Hanthorn, Wei Wei Van
Grade 11: Michelle Leclerc
(Biology) Jason Worobetz, Jennifer Pitcher
(Chemistry) Jocelyn Pitcher
(Physics) Jared Huras
(Environmental) Samantha Bryant
(Astronomy) Erin McKee
(Healthcare) Megan Shaner
John Cheesebrough, Taylor Buck, Bayley Sarrasin
Grade 9:
(Integrated Technology) Tim Tedford
Grade 10:
(Construction) Tyler Boyce
(Communications) Brooke Bartley
(Computer Programming) Erin McKee
(Cosmetology) Katelin Simpkins
(Manufacturing) Joshua House
(Technical Design) Daniel Cleveland
(Transportation) Lucas Kuipers
Grade 11:
(Communications) Chaz Gaudet, Tracy Fledderus
(Computer Programming) Erik Mieras
(Construction) Jordan Voskamp, Brigham Nickerson
(Cosmetology) Kelly Kew
(Hospitality) Laura Osvald, Maria Colasante
(Manufacturing) John Tyrrell, Kyle Vanderloon
(Technical Design) William Forge, Zachary Field
(Transportation) Brandon Clarey, Devon Kippen
Grade 9:
(Geography) Mikaela Stogryn, Carlye Hanthorn, Nick Archer, Tanisha McCumber
Grade 10:
(History) Dan Cleveland, Tyler Boyce, Dylan Abbott
(Civics) Erin McKee
(Native Studies) Brandon Kober
Grade 11:
(Travel and Tourism) Brittany Oliver
(Law) Shannon Turner
(History) Shelby Leblanc
Grade 9: Laura Donovan
Grade 10: Prianka St. John
Grade 11: (Church in the Heart of the Park Award) Robyn VanEs
Grade 9:
Kevin Baxter, Dallas Bonner, Joshua Campbell, Ryan Carey, Alyssa Christmann, Jessica Crews, Sean Delong, Laura Donovan, Olivia Dyer, Jillian Falla, Robert Fernandes, Christopher Grouchy, Lauren Grubb, Joshua Hoekstra, Julianne Hoekstra, Laura Howard, Natalie lezzi, Justin Jones, Jesse Lee Labrecque, Kurt Lukas, Matthew Peters, Brendan Petersen, Clara Quinn, Danielle Quinn, Patrick Quinn, Kristen Rockwell, Taylor Shandraw, Laiken Starreveld, Mikaela Stogryn, Timothy Tedford, Kyle Tilley, Kenneth Turcotte,Vanessa Watts.
Grade 10:
Brooke Bartley, Tyler Boyce, Taylor Buck, Hilary Calderwood, Alison Carter, John Cheesebrough, Laura Cleave, Daniel Cleveland, Jenny Daeun Chung, Albert Fledderus, Hannah Gillespie, Amanda Jones, Brandon Kober, Shayne Lasher, Kathryn McDonald, Erin McKee, Katelin Moffatt, Christopher Pennington, Marie Robertson, Matthew Robins, Dalton Ross, Erin Salmon, Taran Schubert, Katelin Simpkins, Katrin Soolepp, Prianka St. John,Haleigh Top, Lauren Vandertoorn, Brittany Wade, Lauren Walker, Jade Wallace, Vivienne Wan Ching Wu, Wei Wei Yan.
Grade 11:
Caroline Aubrey, Samantha Bryant, Zachary Carswell, Maria Colasante, Shelby Davies, Geraint Element, Tracy Fledderus, Mackenzie Haisma, Alicia Hillier, Jessica Keough, Kelly Kew, Anne Kim, Chelsey Labrecque, Kayla Lansley, Shelby LeBlanc, Jessica Loucks, Jessica Milligan, Laura Mueller, Carly Mylles, Amanda O'Brien, Mackenzie O'Brien, Jennifer Pitcher, Jocelyn Pitcher, Nicole Quinn, April Reilly, Hilary Seymour, Natalie Stone, Rachel Tedford, Shannon Turner, Robyn Van Es, Sophia Whang, Emily Wheatley, Jason Worobetz.
Grade 9: Brendan Petersen
Grade 10: Prianka St. John
Grade 11: Shelby LeBlanc
Grade 9: Lauren Grubb, Jerry Lee Degroot
Grade 10: Erin Hendricks, Marie Robertson, Haleigh Top
Grade 11: Sandeep Patel, Shawn Nutley
Katie Mackintosh
Grade 9: Karli Weatherup
Grade 10: Melissa Polmateer
Grade 11: Rachel Rumsam
Grade 9: Laura Donovan
Grade 10: Nicole Lance
Grade 11: Alex Holland
Grade 9: Nicholas Archer, Carly Mattis, Clara Quinn
Grade 10: Dylan Abbott, Amanda Jones, Laura Cleave
Grade 11: Stevie Fox, Rachel Visconti, Theresa Gannon
Grade 9: Natalie Iezzi
Grade 10: Brandon Kober, Prianka St. John
Grade 11: Emily Wheatly, Kelly Kew, Shelby LeBlanc
Grade 9: Matthew Windsor, Nathan Cheesebrough, Sean DeLong
Grade 10: Brittany Hanthorn
Grade 11: Sophia Whang
Grade 9:
(Francais) Julienne Hoekstra
(Geographie) Ryan Carey, Julienne Hoekstra
Grade 10:
(Francais and Histoire) Prianka St. John
Grade 11:
(Francais and Sociologie) Chelsey Labrecque
Grade 10: Olivia Missios
Grade 9: Kyle Kennedy, Carlye Hanthorn, Ryan Carey
Grade 10: Dylan Abbott, Patricia Corkery, Allan Tripp, Albert Fledderus
Grade 11: Jemini Barager, Caitlynd Doyle, Laura Mueller, Erin McKee
(Fryer and Galois Participation Certificates)
Ryan Carey, Albert Fledderus, Wei Wei Van (Grade 10 Cayley Math Contest)
Albert Fledderus (medal and Certificate of Distinction) Wei Wei Van (Certificate of Distinction) Emily O'Brien (Certificate of Distinction)
Grade 9:
(Instrumental) Lauren Grubb
(Vocal) Hannah Moher, Meriya Gmeiner-McPherson
Grade 10:
(Guitar) David Snider
(Instrumental) Dan Cleveland
(Vocal) Jenny Chung
Grade 11:
(Guitar) Curtis Sansom
(Vocal) Jessica Milligan
(Instrumental) Michelle Breeze
(MIDI) Branden Nieves
Grade 9 Boys) Jesse Labrecque, (Girls) Laura Donovan
Grade 10 (Boys)Wei Wei Van, (Girls) Hannah Gillespie
Grade 11 (Boys) Matthew Czulo, Zachary Carswell, (Girls) Emma Lafontaine
(Fitness) Jocelyn Pitcher
Grade 9: Nicholas-Archer, Liam David, Laura Donovan
Grade 10: Dylan Abbott, Brittany Hanthorn, Wei Wei Van
Grade 11: Michelle Leclerc
(Biology) Jason Worobetz, Jennifer Pitcher
(Chemistry) Jocelyn Pitcher
(Physics) Jared Huras
(Environmental) Samantha Bryant
(Astronomy) Erin McKee
(Healthcare) Megan Shaner
John Cheesebrough, Taylor Buck, Bayley Sarrasin
Grade 9:
(Integrated Technology) Tim Tedford
Grade 10:
(Construction) Tyler Boyce
(Communications) Brooke Bartley
(Computer Programming) Erin McKee
(Cosmetology) Katelin Simpkins
(Manufacturing) Joshua House
(Technical Design) Daniel Cleveland
(Transportation) Lucas Kuipers
Grade 11:
(Communications) Chaz Gaudet, Tracy Fledderus
(Computer Programming) Erik Mieras
(Construction) Jordan Voskamp, Brigham Nickerson
(Cosmetology) Kelly Kew
(Hospitality) Laura Osvald, Maria Colasante
(Manufacturing) John Tyrrell, Kyle Vanderloon
(Technical Design) William Forge, Zachary Field
(Transportation) Brandon Clarey, Devon Kippen
Grade 9:
(Geography) Mikaela Stogryn, Carlye Hanthorn, Nick Archer, Tanisha McCumber
Grade 10:
(History) Dan Cleveland, Tyler Boyce, Dylan Abbott
(Civics) Erin McKee
(Native Studies) Brandon Kober
Grade 11:
(Travel and Tourism) Brittany Oliver
(Law) Shannon Turner
(History) Shelby Leblanc
Grade 9: Laura Donovan
Grade 10: Prianka St. John
Grade 11: (Church in the Heart of the Park Award) Robyn VanEs
Grade 9:
Kevin Baxter, Dallas Bonner, Joshua Campbell, Ryan Carey, Alyssa Christmann, Jessica Crews, Sean Delong, Laura Donovan, Olivia Dyer, Jillian Falla, Robert Fernandes, Christopher Grouchy, Lauren Grubb, Joshua Hoekstra, Julianne Hoekstra, Laura Howard, Natalie lezzi, Justin Jones, Jesse Lee Labrecque, Kurt Lukas, Matthew Peters, Brendan Petersen, Clara Quinn, Danielle Quinn, Patrick Quinn, Kristen Rockwell, Taylor Shandraw, Laiken Starreveld, Mikaela Stogryn, Timothy Tedford, Kyle Tilley, Kenneth Turcotte,Vanessa Watts.
Grade 10:
Brooke Bartley, Tyler Boyce, Taylor Buck, Hilary Calderwood, Alison Carter, John Cheesebrough, Laura Cleave, Daniel Cleveland, Jenny Daeun Chung, Albert Fledderus, Hannah Gillespie, Amanda Jones, Brandon Kober, Shayne Lasher, Kathryn McDonald, Erin McKee, Katelin Moffatt, Christopher Pennington, Marie Robertson, Matthew Robins, Dalton Ross, Erin Salmon, Taran Schubert, Katelin Simpkins, Katrin Soolepp, Prianka St. John,Haleigh Top, Lauren Vandertoorn, Brittany Wade, Lauren Walker, Jade Wallace, Vivienne Wan Ching Wu, Wei Wei Yan.
Grade 11:
Caroline Aubrey, Samantha Bryant, Zachary Carswell, Maria Colasante, Shelby Davies, Geraint Element, Tracy Fledderus, Mackenzie Haisma, Alicia Hillier, Jessica Keough, Kelly Kew, Anne Kim, Chelsey Labrecque, Kayla Lansley, Shelby LeBlanc, Jessica Loucks, Jessica Milligan, Laura Mueller, Carly Mylles, Amanda O'Brien, Mackenzie O'Brien, Jennifer Pitcher, Jocelyn Pitcher, Nicole Quinn, April Reilly, Hilary Seymour, Natalie Stone, Rachel Tedford, Shannon Turner, Robyn Van Es, Sophia Whang, Emily Wheatley, Jason Worobetz.