Thursday 17 September 2009

Raise that flagpole

If everything goes as planned, Castleton will have a flagpole in time for Remembrance Day.

On August 11, Cramahe Council received a request for the installation of one at the Castleton Cenotaph. A month later, at its September 15 meeting the request was granted. The pole is expected to cost $1,885. The fencing around the cenotaph will be painted by Community Services Department staff later this month.

In making the motion that the pole be purchased, Councillor Ed Van Egmond told council this is a big thing for the community.

The Wilson family each year plays a major role in the Remembrance service.

1 comment:

  1. Well, it's about time! I sent a letter months ago and didn't receive an answer. After all the statues and other items going up all over Colborne, it's nice to see Castleton getting a flag pole.
    Karen Nicol
