Sunday 16 August 2009

How much are those signs?

If Cramahe Township Council was confused in its discussion of new signs for the former village of Colborne and surrounding hamlets, it's not surprising.

A report by Community Development Officer Rebecca Goddard-Sarria explained that $3,218 remained from the $20,000 budget for gateway signs approved earlier by Council. Ms. Goddard-Sarria proposed that the township use the remaining funds for signs at the east end of Colborne and on Percy St. at Walter Eddy Park.

The Community Development Officer had gotten a price from Carved in Stone, the company which produced the boundary signs.

It was the interpretation of the quote that had council confused.

Councillor Pat Westrope pointed out that the Goddard-Sarria report stated two different prices in two different places. One statement read, "$1,690 for two signs". Later the report stated the cost was $3,380.

Ms. Goddard-Sarria affirmed the cost was $1,690, launching a discussion about what to do with the remaining money and a recommendation that she return to council with suggestions.

Alas, it was too good to be true.

The Development Officer spoke up at the end of the meeting. She had found the paperwork. The two signs will cost $3,380.

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